Marketing budget: Is like a financial plan which specifies how much money they can spend in the market to promote their products.
Why is market research needed?
- What feature of my product do people like or dislike?
- Would they be willing to buy my product?
- How much are they willing to pay?
- Where would they be most likely to buy my product?
- What type of customer would buy my product?
- What type of promotion would be suitable with these types of customer?
- What is the competition like?
Types of information
- quantitative: answers the questions about the quantity of something.
- qualitative: answers questions where opinion or judgement is necessary.
Market research is the process of analyzing and gathering information about a market.
Primary Research is where we go out by ourselves and gather information from other people.
-There are many types of primary research method:
-There are many types of primary research method:
- questionnaires
- interviews
- focus groups
- observation
Questionnaires is a set of questions which aimed for collecting data from other people.
Interviews is when one person is asking some questions and another person answer those questions.
Sample is a group of people who is responsible for researching the market.
Random sample is when people are selected randomly for market research.
Quota sample is when people are selected based on their characteristics.
Ex: age, gender, income, etc
Ex: age, gender, income, etc
Secondary research
-Internal sources of information:
-Internal sources of information:
- Sales department sales records, pricing data, customer records, sales report
- Opinions of distribution and public relations personnel
- Finance department
- Customer service department
- Government statistics: are information such as the population and age.
- Newspapers: useful articles and information
- trade association
- Market research agencies
- internet
Who carries out market research?